How to run golangci-lint


Run golangci-lint to keep your code clean and error-free. This tool is so effective that it catches common mistakes and problems with style issues in your code, making you a good programmer. It helps catch bugs when they are small before they develop into huge problems that will waste your time and energy. Learning how to run golangci-lint effectively is fundamental to becoming a good programmer. 

What is the Process to Run golangci-lint from the Command Line?

Run Golangci-lint through the command line; it’s straightforward! This tool facilitates quick scanning of your Go code for issues and improves quality. Let’s proceed to the basic commands and options you can use to get started.

Basic Command for Running golangci-lint

Type: run golangci-lint with the following command in your terminal to operate golangci-lint: golangci-lint run. It will check all the Go files in your current directory. It’s that simple! If you want to see the results, just hit enter, and it will show you any issues found in your code.

Specify a Directory or File for golangci-lint

If you want to check a specific file or directory, you can add its path after the command. For example, use golangci-lint to run ./path/to/your/file. Go to check just one file. To check all files in a folder, use golangci-lint run ./path/to/your/directory/. This way, you can focus on specific parts of your project quickly!

Customise Linting Options in golangci-lint

You can customise linting options to suit your needs. Use flags to change how golangci-lint works. For instance, you can enable some linters through golangci-lint run –enable=<linter_name> or turn them off with –turn off <linter_name>. Here is the opportunity to configure the linting to suit your coding style and the specifics of this project!

How to Run Golangci-lint with Configuration Files?

Configuration files make your project’s linting easier to manage using golangci-lint. You can configure how golangci-lint runs so that you only care about the rules that are of most interest to you. Let’s find out how to create and use these files.

Configuration File for golangci-lint

A Golangci-lint configuration file is simply a text file you can customise to decide how a linter should run. It determines which linters are enabled, the issues that this particular linter will check for their severity level, and which files should be ignored. This is another technique of fine-tuning the linting process so that it might be more tailored to your needs. This makes things uniform and even more accessible for other team members.

Creating and Using a Configuration File

Now, you can create, for example, a configuration file to set up using your text editor in a new file named `.golangci.yml` or `.golangci. Tool` in your project’s root directory. In that file, you can indicate which lines you want to enable and any exclusions. When you save that file, golangci-lint picks it up automatically, which includes the whole configuration. This keeps things well-organised and makes your process of linting quite more accessible.

Setting Rules and Exclusions in the Configuration File

Setting rules and excluding them from your configuration file is pretty straightforward. Under the section’ linters,` you can define which linters to enable. You could use `exclude,` which states patterns for files or directories that should be ignored. Making the settings customizable will ensure that your line of linting is focused on those areas where most of the attention is given to your project.

Integrating golangci-lint into Your Build Processes

You can add golangci-lint to your build processes and, in return, improve the quality of your code, causing errors to be caught as soon as possible. It ensures that the quality builds have higher standards as they are utilised with deployment. Here’s how you can easily integrate golangci-lint smoothly into your workflow.

Adding golangci-lint to Your Makefile

You can easily create a new target to add golangci-lint to your Makefile. Just add a line like this: lint: golangci-lint run. Now you can make lint and have Golangci-lint check your code for issues automatically! One command for the whole linting process makes all the difference.

How to use golangci-lint in CI/CD Pipelines?

The best thing to do when integrating golangci-lint into your CI/CD pipelines is to ensure that the code remains high-quality. To add a step, for example, in your pipeline configuration file, just add a run command for golangci-lint. For example, in the GitHub Actions workflow, —name: Lint code + golangci-lint run. The linking happens automatically in the build process.

Best Practices for Continuous Linting

It would help if you ran Golangci-lint regularly across the development cycle. It would help to incorporate linting into your everyday flow or connect it to the pull requests. It would help if you were sure the team agreed on linting rules and configurations. In this way, you will ensure everyone is aligned with you, and your codebase stays nice and clean.

How to Analyse Output from golangci-lint

How to Analyse Output from golangci-lint

After you have applied a Golangci-lint to your code for its improvement, you need to evaluate the command results for code quality improvement. Any report you receive will enable you to comment and fix problems immediately. Let’s see how to view reports and how to use them.

Understanding Linting Reports and Messages

Running Golangci-lint will create a report showing all problems within your code. Every message contains the file’s name, the line, and a short description of what is wrong. This allows you to locate the problem areas precisely. Also, note the severity levels, which tell you just how serious the problems are; thus, you should focus on the most critical errors and concerns first.

Fixing Common Issues Reported by golangci-lint

Fixing the most common issues reported by Golangci-lint will improve your code quite a bit. Begin scanning the messages in the report: many common issues, such as unused variables or improper formatting, can be resolved easily. Apply the changes and run golangci-lint again to see if the problems persist. It’s another step that preserves high-quality code!

How to Apply Output Formats for More Insights?

Output formats Golangci-lint offers several output formats that are helpful when analysing the results. You’ll find the JSON or JUnit format very useful when combining the linter with some CI/CD tools.

 To easily switch the output format, you can run with the flag out-format followed by your desired format. This now becomes a more appealing integration of linting results into the workflow as issues are better understood over time!

Running golangci-lint in Various Environments

Running Golangci-lint on a set of test environments provides flexible and effective code-checking possibilities. It can be executed from an IDE, remote servers, or a Docker. Let’s see how to run Golangci-lint in different environments.

How to Run golangci-lint in Docker Containers

This also means you must first install golangci-lint into your Docker image to run it inside Docker containers. You do that by appending a step to your Dockerfile by installing golangci-lint. Then, you run your container after building it this way: golangci-lint run. That gets you linting in an environment where you know the checks are reliable and reproducible!

How to Run golangci-lint on Remote Servers

Installing Golangci-lint on the server enables fast execution on a remote server. Connect to your server via Secure Shell (SSH) and run the installation commands to install. Once installed, you can run the same commands locally, but now with linting code. In other words, quality guidelines will follow your code even when you’re away from your main development machine.

How do I use golangci-lint in IDEs

IDEs that support Golangci-lint make it very easy to include it in your development workflow. Most IDEs will have options or add-ons to enable the use of golangci-lint. Upon configuration, real-time feedback on the actual code is given to the user; therefore, issues are caught earlier. This might make your programming life more efficient and pleasant!


Running Golangci-lint will make your code clean and error-free and get you to the root of some problems early, thus saving you time in perfecting your coding skills. You can use it in many forms, from the command line or in a Docker. Whether in the office, home, or a remote working station, golangci-lint fits right into whatever environment you work in. Apply it to your code today and make it better and more reliable!


What are the common errors running golangci-lint?

When you run a command using the command shell golangci-lint, you will find a few common errors encountered at run time. Missing dependencies and installation time might result in permission errors if it does not have a corresponding access right. 

How can you run golangci-lint for selected linters?

You can run golangci-lint only for certain linters. It would help if you used the `–enable` flag followed by the names of those specific lines you want it to run on. This way, you can selectively include or exclude certain checks from others. You can run `–enable=gosec, check,` 

Can I run golangci-lint in parallel with other tools?

You can run golangci-lint in parallel with other tools. Many developers run it along with their tests to check the quality and functionality of code simultaneously. It will save you time and ensure your code is functional and clean. 

How do I update Golangci-lint before running it?

Updating Golangci-lint is as easy as necessary to get new features and fixes. You can mostly update with a `get -u` command. After updation, check your version to ensure you get the latest one.

How do you ignore specific files at runtime while running golangci-lint?

Yes, it is possible to ignore specific files and run Golangci-lint. You have to create a configuration file where all the files or directories you want to forget are entered. 

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