best lint for go

What is the best lint for go?

Introduction Go to the programming world! Of course, every developer knows that writing clean and efficient code is a piece of cake-not. In the following

What is golangci-lint used for

What is golangci-lint used for?

Introduction The most famous tool used by Go developers is golangci-lint. Its user interface has the impression of multiple lines into one powerful package. Thus,

What are golangci-lint best practices

What are golangci-lint best practices?

Introduction Working with Go requires high-quality code. That’s where Golangci-lint steps in. It will help diagnose and fix issues in your code. Following good best

Is golangci-lint Generics Readiness

Is golangci-lint Generics Readiness?

Introduction Golangci-lint Generics help you write flexible and reusable code in Go. They let you create functions and structures that work with any data type.

How to use golangci-lint in VSCode

How to use golangci-lint in VSCode?

Introduction Welcome to the world of golangci-lint! This is now essential for every Golang developer. Golangci-lint in VSCode keeps your codes clean and bug free,